One Drop Too Many
Hi, I'm Joy! My husband, Brian, and I invented The Drop Stopper after an incredibly frustrating meal with our twins. At the time they were eight months old and we were tired of continuously picking their sippy cups and toys off dirty floors. Brian conceived The Drop Stopper and I created the first prototype on the spot during that very meal!

Entrepreneur + Twin Mom
Before becoming a mom to twins, I had a corporate career as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Behavioral Analyst and considered myself a very social person. Once the twins arrived, my world changed. For various reasons, my husband and I decided I would stay home with the kids. This decision excited and terrified me at the same time. How did I keep my sense of "me" and still be a good mom to these beautiful babies?
For the first few months we really didn't go anywhere for fear of germs for our preemie babies. After a few months of that, my husband and I started taking them out and realized we had to lug a lot with us to feel comfortable. When Brian went back to work it was me, by myself. I realized through my sleepy new-mom stupor that I really wanted to have lunch with my friends. Just get out of the house with the kids and do SOMETHING.
So, when I was chatting about my fears of restaurant floors, my awesome husband threw out some ideas. I started with a prototype using stuff we had in the basement. I tried it out and ta-da! It worked! I ran with the idea and The Drop Stopper was born. I felt my confidence grow as the problem of dirty restaurant floors and running after rolling bottles disappeared. I started going out with the babies weekly and found it got easier for me, and my kids were noticeably better at "being out" than some of my other friends' kids. We received comments from parents on The Drop Stopper everywhere we went, questioning where they could buy one. So here I am, helping to bring back some sanity and increase the confidence of new parents everywhere!